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5 sources of fundraising


Friends and family

One of the options for obtaining funds is to ask loved ones to donate or borrow money. Friends and family are usually willing to borrow money without interest or with a lower interest rate than the traditional lender. However, working with family or friends can create more tension, so be careful.

Small business loan

Financing a restaurant through a small business loan is one of the most popular fundraising options for restaurant owners. This method involves working with a bank or other lender to obtain a loan. The loan requires payment of interest, so include it in the calculation of the profitability of the business. Also, remember to compare several offers and preferably establish cooperation with a loan broker.


You can choose to raise capital through an investor. There are different types of investors, including business angels, venture capital firms, and private equity firms. They serve companies at different stages and with different revenue flows.

Business partner

Instead of working on obtaining external capital, you can find business partners who will be co-owners of the company with you and will contribute funds and specialist knowledge. Remember that you will share your profits with your partners, and you will lose creative control over all processes. Business partners also require additional work through consultation of the decisions made. When deciding on the choice of partners, be guided by the same wavelength, share similar values ​​and beliefs.


Crowdfunding has been a very popular method of raising capital recently. Websites such as:,, Thanks to this platform, you can run and manage a crowdfunding campaign.


Fundraising is not easy, so persistence is key at this stage of your business. Fortunately, there are countless financing options for your restaurant. Whether you want to start a new restaurant or get cash to grow your existing business, there is a financing option for your needs.

Michał Ryniak

Autor bloga Michał Ryniak.

Opisuje zdobyte doświadczenie w pracy związanej z rozrywką i gastronomią.

Przez ostatnie 15 lat uczestnik jak i specjalista z dziedziny eventów, a także CO-Founder oprogramowania do zarządzania rezerwacjami i sprzedażą, dla branży gastronomiczno-rozrywkowej.

W wolnym czasie pasjonat kuchni orientalnej i śródziemnomorskiej. Spełniony ojciec i mąż z zamiłowaniem do architektury, designu i technologi wykorzystywanych w przestrzeniach restauracyjno-rozrywkowych. 

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